Introducing Our New
Brand Identity!
Celebrating 10 Years in Style
We’re thrilled to introduce you to Green Gate’s new brand identity!
We began rebranding—in fits and starts—several years ago, revisiting aspects of our brand strategy before eventually having to put it aside to focus on client work.
But this year, to celebrate our agency’s 10th anniversary, we fully committed to finalizing our new brand identity.
This included a full visual rebrand as well as some important shifts in our brand strategy. One of the main changes is positioning ourselves as a “brand development” agency instead of a marketing agency.
This shift allows us to highlight our signature service—brand identity development—and present it as part of an integrated process that includes messaging, website design, marketing, fundraising, and more. Because a strong brand, ultimately, isn’t just who you are—it’s what you do every single day.
In addition to differentiating us from “full-service” agencies, this new positioning creates a platform for us to educate audiences about the nuances of brand development. Our new visual identity supports this emphasis on education, showcasing our creativity, sensitivity, and transparency as nonprofit branding professionals. We hope you enjoy!
It All Starts With Strategy
For this rebrand, we followed the same process we do with clients, beginning with brand strategy and using those ideas to guide our logo development and, ultimately, our visual identity system.
With a solid strategic foundation in place, our identity developed organically, beginning with sketches and eventually growing into a robust and versatile system.
The Graphic System
Green Gate’s new graphic system ties together the various visual elements of our brand while also creating new opportunities for creative expression.
Initial Concept
We began with a simple idea, sketching the initial concepts that would become the seeds of our rebrand.
Old Logo
Color Selection
We chose a palette that is vibrant yet approachable, expressing our creativity as well as our humanity in a way that connects with our work serving nonprofits.
Past Colors
We expanded our typographic vocabulary to compliment the new visual elements as well as the overall identity.
A new, comprehensive set of icons provides a visual language that can adapt to different contexts, platforms, and executions.
Old Icons
Old Icons
New Icons
Putting It All Together
Our photo style features images that represent community and how we build bonds that help people grow. Our work with nonprofits is about ideals and vision, but ultimately, it’s about people. We want our photography to showcase the diversity, hope, and optimism that characterize our clients and the communities they serve.
One Brand, Many Expressions
As with all strong visual identities, our new graphic system gives us the flexibility to be creative and explore new visual directions while still presenting a single, recognizable identity. At Green Gate, we communicate on a wide range of topics—from branding to websites, campaigns, and messaging—but at the end of the day, we are an organization committed to helping nonprofits help the world. Our new identity ensures we remain grounded in that.
We’re excited about our new brand, but we recognize that our brand isn't just what we say it is—it's also what YOU say it is!
Thank you for being a part of our community and participating in our brand. Our new identity is a testament to our ongoing commitment to creativity, growth, impact—and to you! Together, we will continue this journey of helping our clients help the world. Now, onward!
Learn more about our approach to brand identity development here.