How Mission-Driven Brands Can Build Trust with Their Audiences

Be true to yourself. Always.

Know your mission, of course, but also know what makes your work unique. What makes you different from other organizations with similar missions? Identify 3-5 key messages that communicate your uniqueness and weave them into all of your marketing—over and over again.

Get to know each other.

Take some time to think about who is engaging with your mission and why. Develop profiles or personas for each of your key audiences that outline their interests, circumstances, dreams, and challenges, then make sure to craft content throughout the year that appeals to each one.

Keep your door open.

Create pathways for your audience to connect with you (follow you on social, subscribe to a newsletter, or watch a video) and write clear CTA’s (calls to action) like “Support Our Campaign” or “Make a Donation.”

Be a good friend.

Develop your brand’s tone of voice. Using language in your communications that feels authentic to your brand—and doesn’t stray—will build trust with your audiences.

Think about ways you can give back to your audience. When you provide value beyond what is expected, you build meaningful (vs. transactional) relationships.


This blog post was first published in the Green Gate monthly newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and tips on how to improve your marketing and communications.


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